How to view traffic information on BMW

BMW’s Advanced Real-Time Traffic Information or ARTTI sends real-time traffic information to your iDrive’s navigation system.

It uses the vehicle’s integrated SIM card to download the latest traffic information and updates it every three minutes. To notify you of traffic incidents along your route, depending on your vehicle, there are several ways to display this on the map.

On some BMW vehicles, to activate this feature, from the map view select Navigation from the main menu and then select Map. Select the Traffic info icon from the left sidebar menu, and then select Receive traffic info.

For other vehicles, you can activate traffic info by going to the main menu, then select Navigation. Then press the OPTION button on the iDrive controller located on the center console. Finally, check the box next to Receive Traffic Info.

Traffic is displayed in green, yellow, orange and red shading corresponding to a range from no traffic to stop traffic.

Enable rerouting around traffic jams

When the navigations dynamic guidance feature is turned on, the system will automatically reroute you around traffic jams. To activate this feature, from the Map menu, select Routes, then select Route preferences and check the box next to Dynamic guidance.

Author: Nabeel K