Turn on or off Surround Sound in Jeep Grand Cherokee

The Jeep Grand Cherokee boasts an impressive array of features, and among them is the Surround Sound system that enhances the in-car audio experience.

Whether you’re in the mood for an immersive sound journey or prefer a more traditional audio setup, the Grand Cherokee allows you to easily toggle the Surround Sound system on or off. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to access and control this feature on the center screen.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Access the Media Menu:

To begin the process, start by turning on your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s ignition and accessing the center screen display.

Navigate to “Media”:

On the bottom category bar of the screen, locate and tap on the “Media” option. This will take you to the media settings where you can control various audio features.

Access “Audio Settings”:

Once you’re in the “Media” section, look for the “Audio Settings” option in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to proceed to the audio configuration menu.

Select “Surround Sound”:

Within the “Audio Settings” menu, you will find a variety of options related to your vehicle’s audio system. Look for and tap on “Surround Sound” in the left menu to access the specific settings for this feature.

Toggle Surround Sound On or Off:

Upon selecting “Surround Sound,” you will be presented with a list of options on the right side of the screen. Look for the setting that allows you to turn the Surround Sound system on or off.

Choose Your Preference:

The available options for the Surround Sound setting are typically “ON” and “OFF.” Tap on your preferred choice to activate or deactivate the Surround Sound system according to your audio preferences.


Controlling the Surround Sound system in your Jeep Grand Cherokee is a straightforward process that involves accessing the audio settings through the center screen display.

Whether you’re craving a fully immersive audio experience or prefer a more traditional sound setup, the option to turn Surround Sound on or off provides you with the flexibility to tailor your in-car audio to your liking. Explore these steps and enhance your driving experience with the versatile audio features of the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Author: Nabeel K
Email: nabeel@wheelsjoint.com

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