How to replace battery of Mazda3 key fob

If you notice the buttons on your Mazda 3 key fob aren’t working and the operation light is not flashing, you’ll need to change your battery.

Mazda3, fourth generation – (photo by Mazda)

Changing the battery in your key fob is simple. It’s best to have the battery replaced at your Mazda dealer, however, if doing it yourself: just follow a few simple steps.

  1. First, press the knob of the key and pull the auxilary key out.
  2. Using a tape wrapped flat-head screwdriver, gently twist to create a gap.
  3. Then insert the flathead into the gap and slide to pop the top.
  4. Now remove the battery cap and the old battery.
  5. Carefully insert the new battery with the positive side up.
  6. Put back the battery cover, and insert the auxilary key.
  7. You’re done! Remember to make sure the rubber ring stays in place: if it comes off, put it back in place before inserting the new battery.
Author: Nabeel K

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