How to hide category bar labels in Jeep Grand Cherokee

The Jeep Grand Cherokee is a popular SUV known for its ruggedness and advanced features. One such feature is the center screen display, which provides access to various vehicle settings and information. Among these settings is the option to hide the category bar labels, providing a cleaner and more streamlined display. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to hide the category bar labels in the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Step 1: Access the Vehicle Settings

To begin, start by turning on your Jeep Grand Cherokee and accessing the center screen display. This display is typically located in the center of the dashboard and provides access to various vehicle functions.

Once the center screen display is active, locate and select the “Vehicle” option. This should be one of the main categories listed on the display. By selecting “Vehicle,” you will enter the vehicle settings menu. Then tap “Settings” on top right corner.

Step 2: Enter the Display Settings

Within the vehicle settings menu, navigate to the “Display” option. This section allows you to customize various display-related settings in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Vehicle > Settings > Display

Step 3: Locate the “Show Main Category Bar Labels” Setting

Scroll down through the display settings until you find the “Show Main Category Bar Labels” option. This setting controls the visibility of the bottom main category bar labels on the center screen display.

Step 4: Toggle the Setting to Hide the Category Bar Labels

Once you have located the “Show Main Category Bar Labels” setting, you will have the option to turn it on or off. Toggle the setting to the “Off” position to hide the category bar labels on the center screen display.

Step 5: Verify and Exit

After turning of the “Show Main Category Bar Labels” setting, take a moment to ensure that the category bar labels are no longer visible on the center screen display. If the labels are hidden to your satisfaction, you can exit the display settings menu and continue using your Jeep Grand Cherokee with the updated display configuration.


Customizing the display settings of your Jeep Grand Cherokee allows you to tailor the user interface to your preferences. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can hide the category bar labels on the center screen display, providing a cleaner and more streamlined visual experience. Enjoy the personalized display configuration and make the most of your Jeep Grand Cherokee’s advanced features.

Author: Nabeel K

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