Reset Apps Drawer To Default Order in Jeep Grand Cherokee

The Jeep Grand Cherokee is known for its powerful performance and advanced technology features. One such feature is the customizable apps drawer on the center screen, allowing drivers to organize and access their favorite applications easily. However, there may be instances where users want to revert to the default order of the apps drawer.

Step-by-step guide

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting the apps drawer to its default order in the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Step 1: Accessing the Settings Menu

To begin the process, start by navigating to the center screen of your Jeep Grand Cherokee. On the bottom category bar, locate and tap on the “Vehicle” icon. This will take you to the vehicle-related settings.

Step 2: Opening the Settings

Once in the “Vehicle” section, look for the “Settings” option located in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to access the general settings menu for your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Step 3: Navigating to the Reset Option

In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Reset” option on the left-hand side. Tap on “Reset” to open the reset menu, which includes various options for resetting different aspects of your vehicle’s settings.

Step 4: Choosing the Apps Drawer Reset Option

Among the reset options, locate and tap on “Reset Apps Drawer To Default Order.”

This specific setting is designed to return the apps drawer to its original default order.

Step 5: Confirming the Reset

Upon selecting the “Reset Apps Drawer To Default Order” option, a confirmation screen will appear. You will be presented with two choices: “Yes” and “Cancel.” To proceed with the reset, tap on “Yes.” If you decide to cancel the operation, you can choose “Cancel” or press the X button.


The ability to customize the apps drawer in the Jeep Grand Cherokee is a convenient feature that allows drivers to tailor their infotainment experience. However, there are times when returning to the default order becomes desirable. The step-by-step guide provided here simplifies the process of resetting the apps drawer to its default order, ensuring that Jeep Grand Cherokee owners can effortlessly manage their infotainment preferences.

Whether you want to streamline the layout or start fresh with the default order, the Jeep Grand Cherokee provides a user-friendly solution to meet your needs.

Author: Nabeel K

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