Update software over wi-fi in Jeep Grand Cherokee

In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, automotive manufacturers are continually integrating advanced features into their vehicles. One such feature that Jeep Grand Cherokee owners can take advantage of is the ability to update software over Wi-Fi.

This innovative capability ensures that your vehicle’s software remains up-to-date, enhancing performance, security, and overall user experience.

Accessing the Software Update Feature:

Updating software over Wi-Fi in the Jeep Grand Cherokee is a straightforward process. To initiate the update, follow these simple steps:

Access the Center Screen:

Start by accessing the center screen in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Navigate to “Vehicle” in the Bottom Category Bar:

On the bottom category bar, locate and select “Vehicle.” This will lead you to a menu with various options related to your vehicle’s settings and features.

Tap “Settings” in the Top Right Corner:

Once in the “Vehicle” menu, navigate to the top right corner and tap on “Settings.” This action will open up a range of configuration options.

Scroll Down and Select “Software Updates”:

Scroll down through the settings menu until you find the option labeled “Software Updates.” Tap on it to proceed to the next step.

Enabling Software Downloads Over Wi-Fi:

Locate the option titled “Software Downloads over Wi-Fi” in the list on the right side of the screen.

Next to the option, you will find a radio button. Tap on this button to toggle between the “On” and “Off” positions.

Select “On” to Enable Wi-Fi Updates:

If you want to allow software updates over Wi-Fi, ensure that the radio button is set to “On.”


Updating software over Wi-Fi in the Jeep Grand Cherokee is a user-friendly feature designed to keep your vehicle’s technology in top-notch condition. By following these steps and enabling Wi-Fi updates, you ensure that your vehicle benefits from the latest enhancements, bug fixes, and security patches.

Embrace the convenience of wireless software updates, and experience a more seamless and efficient driving experience in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Author: Nabeel K
Email: nabeel@wheelsjoint.com

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