How to adjust voice command settings in Jeep Grand Cherokee

The Jeep Grand Cherokee offers a range of advanced features, including voice command functionality, to enhance the driving experience. By adjusting the voice command settings, you can personalize the system’s voice, set a wake-up word, enable voice barge-in, and control the display of the command list. This article will guide you through the steps to adjust these voice command settings in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Step 1: Accessing the Vehicle Settings

On the center screen of your Jeep Grand Cherokee, locate the bottom category bar. Tap on the “Vehicle” option in the bottom category bar.

After selecting “Vehicle,” locate the top right corner of the screen. Tap on the “Settings” option in the top right corner.

Step 2: Selecting the Voice Command Option

Once in the Settings menu, find and touch the “Voice” option in the left-side menu.

Step 3: Customizing Voice Command Settings

You will now see several options on the right-hand side of the screen that allow you to adjust various voice command settings.

Voice Options:

This setting allows you to change the system’s voice to either “Male” or “Female.” Select your preferred option.

Wake Up Word:

This setting enables you to set the system’s wake-up word, which activates the voice command feature. You can choose from the available options: “Off,” “Hey, Uconnect,” and “Hey, Jeep®.”

Voice Barge-In:

Enabling voice barge-in allows you to respond to a voice response before it is completed by the system. Choose between “On” and “Off” based on your preference.

Show Command List:

This setting controls the display of the command list when using voice commands.

  • “Always” will always show the command list.
  • “With Help” shows the command list along with a brief description of each command.
  • “Never” turns off the command list display.


Customizing the voice command settings in your Jeep Grand Cherokee allows you to tailor the system to your preferences, making it more convenient and user-friendly. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can easily adjust the voice options, wake-up word, voice barge-in feature, and the display of the command list. Take advantage of these settings to enhance your driving experience and enjoy the convenience of hands-free control in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Author: Nabeel K

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