Enable or Disable Tire Jack Mode in Jeep Grand Cherokee

The Jeep Grand Cherokee is a versatile and capable SUV that comes equipped with various features to enhance its performance and convenience. One such feature is the Tire Jack Mode, designed to assist in changing a spare tire by disabling the Air Suspension system.

In this article, we will guide you through the simple process of enabling or disabling Tire Jack Mode on your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Step-by-Step Guide:

Accessing the Center Screen:

Start by getting into your Jeep Grand Cherokee and accessing the center screen. This is where you’ll find the controls and settings for various vehicle features.

Navigate to “Vehicle” on the Bottom Category Bar:

On the bottom category bar of the center screen, locate and tap on the “Vehicle” option.

This will open up a range of vehicle-related settings.

Access “Settings” in the Top Right Corner:

In the “Vehicle” menu, look for the “Settings” option, usually located in the top right corner of the screen. Tap on it to enter the settings menu.

Scroll Down and Select “Suspension”:

Once you’re in the settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Suspension” option. Tap on it to access the suspension settings for your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Locate “Tire Jack Mode” in the Left Menu:

In the “Suspension” menu, you’ll find various options related to the vehicle’s suspension system. Look for “Tire Jack Mode” in the left menu – it’s the setting we’re focusing on for this guide.

Enable or Disable Tire Jack Mode:

Once you’ve selected “Tire Jack Mode,” you’ll see the corresponding option on the right list. This is where you can enable or disable the Tire Jack Mode based on your needs.

The description for this option will typically read: “This setting will disable the Air Suspension system to assist in changing a spare tire.”

Tap the Radio Button to Toggle the Setting:

To enable or disable Tire Jack Mode, tap the radio button next to the option. If the button is highlighted, it means the mode is activated. If it’s not highlighted, the mode is disabled.


Enabling or disabling Tire Jack Mode in your Jeep Grand Cherokee is a straightforward process that can be done through the vehicle’s center screen. This feature provides added convenience when changing a spare tire by temporarily disabling the Air Suspension system.

By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily manage Tire Jack Mode and make the most of this practical feature in your Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Author: Nabeel K
Email: nabeel@wheelsjoint.com

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