Spring cleaning is here, but don’t worry, with us it will be child’s play. With the following 5 tips for interior cleaning, we will make your car sparkling clean together! On the vacuum, ready and go:
Pre-cleaning: carpets out, vacuum cleaner in
Before you start working on the details, you should first clean the interior. Most of the time, the floor of your vehicle is the most dirty. Slush, salt and small stones in particular ensure dirty carpets and floor mats after winter. Therefore, the following applies first: all carpets and floor mats out of the car and vacuum once! Don’t forget the hard-to-reach areas, such as small cracks between the upholstery. The trunk is also happy when it is sucked through.
Next, vacuum off the floor mats and carpets thoroughly. If they are very dirty, washing won’t do any harm either. Then ventilate properly and let dry so that even the last winter muff gives way.
Dust off the Dashboard
After the coarse dirt is sucked off, it goes to your dashboard. This is mostly made of plastic and can therefore be washed off. If you get stuck with a soft cloth and water, it is advisable to use a dashboard cleaner. Just make sure that it doesn’t attack/damage the plastic. You’d better keep your hands off of harsh detergents!
After you have wiped all the plastic parts of your car properly, you can also treat your cockpit to a maintenance treatment. A good dashboard cleaner protects against rapid re-soiling and is also matt to prevent annoying reflections on the windscreen.
Clean windows and headlining
You should not only pay attention to your windows from the outside, but also include them when cleaning the interior. Clean glass surfaces are essential for a safe journey. To clean: windshield, rear window, side windows and the rear view mirror. With a good windshield washer it is a no brainer. However, make sure that the cleaner does not attack the rubber seals. Of course, you should not forget your headlining either. If it also consists of panes, continue cleaning the window straight away.
Clean upholstery and leather
Your seat cushions are under constant strain and should be cleaned and maintained accordingly. Depending on whether they are made of textile or leather, you should have the right cleaner ready. With a good upholstery cleaner, you can also clean the headlining and carpets. Leather seats are significantly more sensitive than textiles and enjoy good care. After cleaning your leather covers, you should also take good care of them. A good leather cleaner and carer will do the rough work for you.
Remove excess stuff
If you are satisfied with the cleaning of your car, we only have one last tip for you, but you can save money! Not only the dirt of winter, but also all unnecessary luggage has to be taken out. So make sure that there is no useless stuff flying around in the trunk. Every kilo costs you extra fuel and therefore cash!
It is also advisable to ventilate the car vigorously during and after cleaning. But what could be nicer than cruising through the area with the windows open on a sunny day?
Would you like to get your car shiny? Do you have any other tips for spring cleaning? Then she tells us in a comment.
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